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By March 12, 2017Uncategorized

Greetings in Jesus Name!

It is a privilege for us to share our hearts with you about our Singles Ministry. “Christ Covenant Singles” is a ministry dedicated to walk with singles in their development of the character of Christ, the building of healthy relationships, and in experiencing wholeness in their personal lives. It’s a joy for us to facilitate an atmosphere where singles can discover their calling in the body of Christ.

Allow us to share four words every person who is single needs to build into their vocabulary and their life.

1. Patience – Singleness is a season where the Lord can teach you invaluable things about yourself, but you must choose to patiently participate with Him in the process. Sadly, many singles rush into marriage only to be tempted to rush out when the other person seems to stop meeting their needs. Remember, patience is a virtue.

2. Pursuit – Because Jesus is the source of our Christian life – we were born into Him and God has made us complete in Him (Col. 2:1-10) – the best decision for a single person to make is to pursue Jesus, and to pursue Him every day.

3. Priority – Ask yourself this question: If God were to give me to someone right now, would I be a blessing to them or a burden? Right now, in your single season, determine to prioritize your life around the Kingdom (Matt. 6:33), allowing God to bring you to personal wholeness and strength.

4. Perspective – Remember, God is a good God who wants good things for His children. Whatever plans you have for yourself, God wants something better.

We hope you will accept our invitation to join us for one of our regular gatherings. We meet the first Friday of every month in the Fireside Café at 7:00pm and we spend time sharing and getting to know one another in a variety of ways. Large and small fellowship times help provide an environment of understanding, personal growth and support for singles of all ages. Activities and events give a chance for us to hear speakers, attend retreats, or simply enjoy a movie or bowling. If you’re single, we would love to have you join us. Feel free to give either of us a call to find out more.

With joy,

Yolanda Daniels (432-7766) & Joe Przysbylski (374-3014)